The Primordial Power

The whole universe is permeated by the invisible energy - the Primordial Power. It manifests itself as light and heat which under the effect of the Eternal Laws maintains individual levels of Creation. Even though matter is motionless and does not radiate its own heat each celestial body and the entire universe rotate. It is heated and spun by the Primordial Power by means of an upper world about which we will talk later.

People are also attached to the Primordial Power which exists beyond them. One gets attached to it by the means of intuition and emotions. Since this power is a neutral one it can be used either in a positive or a negative way according to the quality of emotions. The Primordial Power is like a conductor which leads the good or the bad, happiness or unhappiness. If man had not this Primordial Power he would be very limited regarding his existence and development. The above-mentioned power is called the Primordial Power because besides it other kinds of energies flow through the universe - they come from lower worlds to which we do not get attached by emotions but by intellectual abilities and activities.

There’s not the silence and darkness in the universe as it seems when we observe the night sky. All objects of the universe shine as the jewels and their coloured shades tell us, how the life on them is. In the higher spheres the colour fuses with the sound and there sounds an inconceivable beautiful music called as heavenly harmony. The colour and intensity of radiated rays change with every change of chords.
