The Little Elemental Beings

The action of the other little elemental beings is connected with people. Their task is to spin the invisible threads of each human deed, thought and emotion. The quality and the sort of these threads, is distinguished by the colour. Along these threads - the ways - which were spun by the substantiate beings from the intentions and actions the souls wander after death to the astral world and the ethereal surroundings. Thus, according to the Eternal Laws, the little elemental beings weave the destiny of a human which leads either downwards, to the lower worlds than the Earth or upwards, to the upper worlds. It is hard to imagine this activity which one cannot understand because there is not anything like that in the earthly activity.

Thus, the substantiate beings are also living executors of the Eternal Laws but they are neither directing nor evaluating agents. They spin the threads of destiny without being personally interested in man's fate. The result of their weaving revealing the most secret ideas and emotions of each man is evaluated by other hierarchies. For better understanding we could imagine the elemental beings as typists, who re- write the degree work of a student. They do not interfere into the content, which he has created.

Furthermore the elemental beings spin the threads, which connect the people together. Their work is under the control of more perfect rulers, therefore the unfairness or the lapse cannot appear.

Through their weaving activity the little elemental beings work as the connecting factors of the material and the immaterial universe. Since they originate in an upper plane than the universe does - in the realm of animistic substantiality they bear in themselves more of the elementary power in the form of heat and light. Thus, they are warming, changing, vitalising and refining matter - the universe.

The man also has to improve the mass, but his activity differs from the activity of elemental beings. They are the preparers and helpers, until the man has to be their continuer and ruler of the mass. Unfortunately, the man became the ruler- destructor, because he has understood his rule wrongly.