The Law of Reciprocal Action

How is it possible to explain the Law of Reciprocal Action? The effect of this law in common life has been observed by people a long time ago and has been expressed in the comparison: "What man gives that he gets." For Christians this law was explained by Christ in his saying: "What a man sows that shall he reap!". This reminds us of the physical law of action and reaction.

Since the universe is limited and not unlimited as it may seem from the earthly point of view nothing can disappear in it. Everything returns in a circle back to its origin in a multiplied measure. In accordance with the Law of the Attraction of Homogeneous Species homogeneous elements are attracted, accumulated - this means they grow during the backward motion. Therefore, the Law of Reciprocal Action acts together with the Law of the Attraction of Homogeneous Species.

However, if we judge deeds of some human or our own deeds we do not always discover their immediate consequences - that is the reciprocal action even if we expect it. In common life good deeds are not always rewarded by good and similarly neither bad follows bad deeds. Suffice it to remind us of people living in welfare and satisfaction at the expense of others. We do not see the fruits of their deeds in the form of an immediate response so we think that this law does not effect precisely. Everyone who understands that a human life is too short for "reaping" everything what one "has sown" in the present life must be looking for the arrangement in the eternity - in the beyond and in repeated returns to earth.

The majority of men only improve themselves by making mistakes. Their consequences - reciprocal actions - must not be experienced during the same life because conditions are not matured. However, this does not mean that they were lost. Many people stopped believing in force of the Law of Reciprocal Action, in justice because of this time delay.

Each old religion in the world knew of repeated returns of people to earth - of reincarnation - which is the only way of redeeming faults there where they have arisen - on earth.

In the 6th century on the ecumenical council in Constantinople the Christian Church wanted to prove that the human will can also change the Eternal Laws. Denying of reincarnation it wanted to neglect the effects of the Law of Reciprocal Action. Of course, the law continued working whether it was accepted or not. According to the Christian conception man who committed sins gets to the "hell" after his death forever. However, the eternal atonement of faults in the "hell" does not offer any opportunity of development. Thus, man has no opportunity of settling a mistake and of changing himself. Only a repeated life on earth gives the possibility for that.

The fact that people living in the times of Jesus knew and accepted reincarnation is confirmed in the passages which the then adapters of the Bible "forgot" to remove from it. There are many remarks like that there but we will present only a few of them.

Apostles asked Jesus when they saw a blind beggar: "Who is a sinner, he or his parents?" They wanted to know this way for whom he suffers by his blindness whether for parents or for himself.

Further, in the Gospel according to Matthew, 17th Chapter, 10th verse Jesus tells clearly that the ancient prophet Elijah came to earth again as John the Baptist but people did not recognise him and they killed him.

Let's show the example, how the Law of Reciprocal Action approximately works in common life:

A young man drives a car too quickly through the village. He doesn't respect the traffic rules, because he is not able to predict in view of his young age. When a child gets on the road, despite of the maximal effort he cannot prevent the accident and he hurts the child. If the man regrets his fault candidly and he also expresses the regret in the way that he stars to drive more cautiously, he's already redeeming his fault.
His positive attitude to the fault leads to the end that the circle of reciprocal actions will be closed presently. The redeeming of his fault can finish in the way, that he will prevent another serious accident, which he will be the witness of.

But whom the fault has taught something, he shouldn't get opportunity to undo it in this life. According to the Law of Reciprocal Action, he takes his fault to the next life. At the same time, he will undergo the multiplied consequences according to the Law of Attraction of Homogenous Species approximately in this way: either he'll become a victim of an accident with more serious injury as he caused, or another man will hurt his child seriously.

The reciprocal actions act in the identical way- the accident meets only that man who has not taught anything from his fault. But he also gets another chance to understand his limitations thanks to his own suffering and to change himself. This fact results to the end that not the God but the human punishes himself when he doesn't know and keep the External Laws, which affect him as a boomerang.

Maybe someone, who knows the Law of Reciprocal Action, will thing about why somebody born with a handicap without doing anything bad in present life. Or he starts to think about how the war-criminals were punished for killing the people in cold blood. It's true, that not all of them faced the music for their actions in that life, in which they acted inhumanly. The later they undergo the consequences the harder the consequences are. They multiply as the seed from which the other seeds will grow up.

But not every suffering is the expression of the reciprocal actions. A lot of people undergo the oppression, the pity or the illness because of the lack of love and understanding. Self- contrition is a comfort only for little while, then every man has to realize his weakness and look for the cause, that leads to their insuperable situation. After understanding himself and other people, perhaps he will act constructively to get rid of another suffering.