The Universe

Looking at stars in infinite distance it may seem incredible that the universe has its boundaries, that it is finite. The physical laws confirm that there where time and space exist boundaries must also be even though they are very far away they do exist. During certain periods the universe expands, grows within these boundaries and later it disappears until an invisible primordial seed remains which then starts to grow gradually.

From the point of view of human seeing the universe consists of two basic parts: a visible and the invisible ones. Despite this distinct difference both parts are of the material origin but each of them is of a different kind. For simplicity the visible part is called gross matter and the invisible one ethereal matter. These are two different worlds which are united by their common origin - through matter. Matter undergoes continuous changes it grows, solidifies and disintegrates because it is imperfect and unstable. Both parts of the universe are also subjected to these processes since they are material.

The Gross Material Universe consists only of material, visible space bodies - stars and planets; the Ethereal Universe is composed of their the so-called shadows which are of the same but much bigger shape, invisible with human eye.

Gross material matter, Ethereal universe

Above the entire universe other, immaterial worlds exist. We will talk about them later. These worlds are not included in the conception of the universe but Creation. Though entire Creation is governed by the same laws their effects are different depending on the planes in which they are they at work. The main reason though not the only one is different temperature in individual worlds.

The Gross Material Universe is divided into seven planes ordered one over another according to the Law of Gravity. The most solid and coldest planes rotate in lower parts; the upper planes are finer and more permeable than the former ones. Under the influence of higher temperature upper planes move more quickly, whereas lower planes more slowly. As a consequence of faster motion and bigger heat planes have prolonged duration. Therefore, upper worlds are finer, more durable and bigger as well. Lower planes are more dense and smaller. Since they are permeated by less amount of light they rotate more slowly, they disintegrate and undergo disintegration sooner.

The Ethereal Universe is also divided into seven planes in accordance with the Law of Gravity. Thus, both parts of the universe posses seven planes which are finer at their boundaries by which according to the Law of the Attraction of Homogeneous Species a possibility for mutual overlapping, connecting occurs. The difference between gross matter and ethereal matter is so big that without separation into planes like this the connection of all planes would be impossible.

The whole universe consists of seven basic parts which names are mentioned in the Bible, The Appearance of John: Ephesus, Philadelphia, Laodicea, Pergamos, Sardy, Smyrna and Thyatira. The Earth is placed in the part of Ephesus. According to the Law of Gravity it belongs to the sphere of lower planets, but not the lowest ones.